NDI — Net­work Device Interface

NDI (Net­work Device Inter­face) is a pro­to­col deve­lo­ped by New­Tek for the trans­mis­si­on of high-qua­li­ty video and audio signals via an Ether­net network. 

Stream­box­stu­di­os uti­li­zes the advan­ta­ges of NDI, depen­ding on the task and local conditions:

  • High-qua­li­ty video: NDI sup­ports the trans­mis­si­on of high-qua­li­ty video signals up to a reso­lu­ti­on of 4K wit­hout loss of quality.
  • Low laten­cy: NDI was deve­lo­ped for real-time appli­ca­ti­ons. The pro­to­col is opti­mi­zed for low laten­cy so that it can be used for live events or real-time video productions.
  • Simp­le inte­gra­ti­on: NDI is an open pro­to­col. It enables the inte­gra­ti­on of a wide ran­ge of hard­ware and soft­ware pro­ducts. NDI can be used with your exis­ting pro­duc­tion tools — pro­vi­ded their firm­ware allows this.
  • Fle­xi­ble work­flow: With NDI, video and audio signals can be trans­mit­ted over a net­work to crea­te fle­xi­ble, dis­tri­bu­ted pro­duc­tion work­flows. For exam­p­le, video signals can be trans­mit­ted bet­ween dif­fe­rent loca­ti­ons via NDI or vide­os can be strea­med to seve­ral devices simultaneously.
  • Cost-effec­ti­ve: NDI enables the use of con­ven­tio­nal CAT cables (5e/6e).

Over­all, NDI offers a num­ber of bene­fits for video pro­duc­tion, inclu­ding high qua­li­ty video, low laten­cy, easy inte­gra­ti­on, fle­xi­ble work­flow and cost efficiency.

Using sui­ta­ble con­ver­ters, HDMI signals can also be con­ver­ted to NDI and thus trans­mit­ted via networks.


Slido is a plat­form for inter­ac­ting with the audi­ence — both on site and digi­tal­ly. Slido can be used to crea­te sur­veys, ques­ti­ons and ans­wers, quiz­zes and word clouds.

Some of the advan­ta­ges of using Slido are:

Increased audi­ence enga­ge­ment: Slido enables pre­sen­ters to enga­ge with their audi­ence in real time, encou­ra­ging par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on and making the pre­sen­ta­ti­on more interactive.
Impro­ved feed­back: Slido allows view­ers to ask ques­ti­ons and give feed­back anony­mously. This leads to more honest and valuable feedback.
Real-time insights: Through live polls in real time, Slido offers insights into the opi­ni­ons, pre­fe­ren­ces and know­ledge gaps of the audience.
Inte­gra­ti­on with pre­sen­ta­ti­on tools: Slido can be inte­gra­ted into pre­sen­ta­ti­on tools such as Power­Point and Goog­le Slides.
Cus­to­miza­ti­on: Slido can be adapt­ed to cor­po­ra­te design.
Acces­si­bi­li­ty: Slido is acces­si­ble to tar­get groups with dif­fe­rent abili­ties and pre­fe­ren­ces. Sub­tit­les, key­board navi­ga­ti­on and color con­trast adjus­t­ments are offered.
Data ana­ly­sis: Slido pro­vi­des data ana­ly­sis and report­ing so pre­sen­ters can ana­ly­ze audi­ence par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on and feed­back after the event.
Over­all, Slido can impro­ve the audi­ence expe­ri­ence and make pre­sen­ta­ti­ons more enga­ging, inter­ac­ti­ve and effective.

You should con­sider using Slido if you want to inter­act through your pre­sen­ta­ti­ons and with your audi­ence. Impro­ve audi­ence reten­ti­on with Slido: When your audi­ence is enga­ged and actively par­ti­ci­pa­ting, they are more likely to retain the infor­ma­ti­on you present.

Mul­ti-came­ra production

In mul­ti-came­ra pro­duc­tion, a sce­ne is shot simul­ta­neous­ly from dif­fe­rent angles. Two or more came­ras are posi­tio­ned around the set or the prot­ago­nists. The resul­ting video foo­ta­ge is com­bi­ned in post-pro­duc­tion to crea­te a polished, seam­less and dyna­mic end product.

At Stream­box­stu­di­os, we work with time­code gene­ra­tors so that the recor­dings can be com­bi­ned seamlessly.

In addi­ti­on to fas­ter pro­duc­tion and more dyna­mic shots, mul­ti-came­ra pro­duc­tions can also save money on pro­duc­tion cos­ts as they requi­re fewer takes to record a sce­ne.

Stream­box­stu­di­os pro­du­ces with Canon and Black­ma­gic came­ras. High-qua­li­ty inter­ch­an­geable len­ses or fixed zoom len­ses are used. The came­ras can all record in 4K. Our PTZ came­ras are con­trol­led remo­te­ly via con­trol­lers. The video signal is trans­mit­ted to the editing suite eit­her via HDMI, fiber optic or CAT7 cable.


No mat­ter how rea­li­stic your sound is, no mat­ter how breath­ta­king the images, no mat­ter how varied and exci­ting the editing, wit­hout a sui­ta­ble enco­der only you will see the result of your work.

To crea­te a stream, you need an enco­der. The enco­der takes the audio and video data and com­pres­ses it into a for­mat that can be trans­mit­ted over the Inter­net and recei­ved by the plat­form of your choice, for exam­p­le You­Tube or Vimeo, pro­ces­sed and then dis­play­ed on the user’s end device.

The role of an enco­der in live strea­ming is cru­cial as it allows you to send high qua­li­ty audio and video con­tent to your audi­ence in real time. Wit­hout an enco­der, your audio and video data would be too lar­ge to send over the inter­net and your live stream would be chop­py, blur­ry and unat­trac­ti­ve to watch.

An enco­der can be hard­ware-based, i.e. it is a phy­si­cal device that you con­nect to your com­pu­ter or net­work. Alter­na­tively, an enco­der can be soft­ware-based. A pro­gram on your com­pu­ter takes over the “trans­la­ti­on”.

Com­mon video for­mats gene­ra­ted by enco­ders include H.264 or H.265, for exam­p­le. For­war­ding takes place via pro­to­cols such as Web­RTC, SRT or RTMP or RTMPS.

This also explains the issue of laten­cy, as each cal­cu­la­ti­on step takes time. Howe­ver, the laten­cy also depends on the pro­to­col used. For exam­p­le, streams via RTMP or RTMPS are signi­fi­cant­ly slower than tho­se via SRT.

The choice of enco­der depends on the spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments of your live strea­ming set­up and the level of qua­li­ty you want to achieve.

Soft­ware-based enco­ders requi­re PCs with high com­pu­ting power. The­se include VMix, OBS and Ecamm Live, for exam­p­le.

We deci­ded to use hard­ware-based enco­ders from Black­ma­gic and Epi­phan becau­se they are built spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for this one important task. This enables us to gua­ran­tee high qua­li­ty streams.

Stream­box­stu­di­os is able to rea­li­ze mul­ti-strea­ming. We address seve­ral plat­forms at the same time. Con­sider, for exam­p­le, simul­ta­neous broad­cas­ting via your You­Tube, Vimeo, Face­book or Insta­gram account.


We recom­mend the use of count­downs for our live streams for good reason: digi­tal par­ti­ci­pan­ts often tune into your chan­nel, for exam­p­le on You­Tube or Vimeo, long befo­re the stream starts so that they don’t miss any­thing. Howe­ver, a stan­ding pic­tu­re does not con­vey anti­ci­pa­ti­on or even exci­te­ment and ten­si­on. Users also do not know whe­ther ever­y­thing is real­ly run­ning or whe­ther the­re are tech­ni­cal problems.

The dis­play of a count­down, on the other hand, con­veys expec­ta­ti­on and indi­ca­tes that it will start soon. Cou­pled with sui­ta­ble music, the ten­si­on increa­ses.

Important: You should start exact­ly at the end of the count­down. A delay of some­ti­mes just a few seconds does not go down well with the digi­tal audience.

If you use the count­down in social media, you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to crea­te an expec­tant back­ground noi­se. By pro­mo­ting your count­down on social media and other chan­nels, you can attract a lar­ger audi­ence and gene­ra­te more hype.

Count­downs can also be used for break times, for exam­p­le, as many visi­tors like to stay online during the break becau­se they don’t want to miss any­thing. By ima­gi­ning a count­down, howe­ver, they can also relax and take a break, becau­se they know when it will continue.

If a count­down is strea­med in com­bi­na­ti­on with a video image from the con­fe­rence room, digi­tal users are even more invol­ved and have an even grea­ter fee­ling of being there.

Stream­box­stu­di­os can use sui­ta­ble tools to cus­to­mi­ze count­downs to your cor­po­ra­te design.

Stream­box­stu­di­os sets up stage moni­tors so that spea­k­ers on loca­ti­on always know exact­ly how much time they have left for their con­tri­bu­ti­on or so that pre­sen­ters know what the cur­rent broad­cast time or the run­ning time of video or audio inserts is. The per­sons invol­ved can see all rele­vant time on the­se. The­se moni­tors can also be used to pass on stage directions.

NDI|HX 3: Qua­li­ty and lower latency

NDI|HX 3 offers the abili­ty to pro­vi­de low laten­cy and redu­ced band­width trans­mis­si­on while main­tai­ning the visual­ly los­sless stan­dards that NDI users demand. This allows users to deli­ver broad­cast qua­li­ty video in any envi­ron­ment wit­hout having to upgrade their technology.

“The diver­se ways in which NDI part­ners and users app­ly the stan­dard and inte­gra­te it into count­less work­flows, pro­ducts and pro­jects never cea­ses to ama­ze us. To keep up with the mar­ket demand to uti­li­ze NDI tech­no­lo­gy and enable limit­less con­tent crea­ti­on for every user, our team is com­mit­ted to con­sis­tent inno­va­ti­on to push the boun­da­ries of moving video. NDI®|HX3 is a shi­ning exam­p­le of this com­mit­ment as it strikes the per­fect balan­ce bet­ween qua­li­ty and effi­ci­en­cy wit­hout com­pro­mi­se to set a new stan­dard in visu­al sto­rytel­ling,” comm­ents Micha­el Nama­ti­nia, Pre­si­dent, NDI.

Source: www.ndi.tv/blog/ndihx3/


Secu­re Relia­ble Trans­port (SRT) and Net­work Device Inter­face (NDI) stand for AV-over-IP solu­ti­ons that enable high-qua­li­ty video trans­mis­si­on with low laten­cy, but still ser­ve dif­fe­rent applications. 

SRT has an inte­gra­ted two-way return chan­nel that trans­mits essen­ti­al per­for­mance infor­ma­ti­on during strea­ming. This enables the pro­to­col to detect and rec­ti­fy pro­blems. To use SRT, the enco­der and deco­der must be SRT-com­pa­ti­ble. When using SRT, band­widths of 2–8 Mbit/s are suf­fi­ci­ent to stream in high quality.

Advan­ta­ges of using SRT

  • relia­bly deli­vers vide­os with low laten­cy and high quality
  • enables simp­le and cost-effec­ti­ve deploy­ment of remo­te locations
  • Easi­ly over­co­mes fire­walls bet­ween source and destination
  • High secu­ri­ty (up to 256-bit AES encryption)

NDI stands for a soft­ware stan­dard with which vide­os can be trans­mit­ted and recei­ved in high qua­li­ty and with low laten­cy via a local area net­work (LAN). This means that seve­ral audio and video devices in the net­work can be acces­sed via a sin­gle LAN connection.

The main pre­re­qui­si­te for NDI strea­ming is that the sen­ding (NDI-capa­ble) and recei­ving device are in the same net­work. For exam­p­le, the video image from an NDI-capa­ble PTZ came­ra can be sent and recei­ved via a com­pa­ny-wide net­work. At the same time, the came­ra can be con­trol­led via the net­work. Other devices may requi­re addi­tio­nal setup.

NDI tech­no­lo­gy uses a spe­cial codec and a trans­port method to achie­ve vir­tual­ly los­sless image qua­li­ty wit­hout laten­cy. Howe­ver, this means that NDI requi­res a very high net­work band­width. A sin­gle 1080p NDI stream at 30 fps requi­res a band­width of at least 125 Mbps.

Until recent­ly, the­se high band­width requi­re­ments meant that NDI-based video work­flows were only plau­si­ble over sta­ble local net­works. With the release of NDI 5, this limit has now been excee­ded. By using the NDI bridge tool, two remo­te NDI net­works can be con­nec­ted to each other. Live audio and video can be con­tri­bu­ted via a URL using the NDI remo­te tool.

Advan­ta­ges of using NDI

  • Almost los­sless qua­li­ty wit­hout latency
  • All video sources are easi­ly acces­si­ble from any­whe­re in the network
  • offers cost-effec­ti­ve video pro­duc­tion via LAN

Source: epihan.com