Mul­ti-came­ra production

In mul­ti-came­ra pro­duc­tion, a sce­ne is shot simul­ta­neous­ly from dif­fe­rent angles. Two or more came­ras are posi­tio­ned around the set or the prot­ago­nists. The resul­ting video foo­ta­ge is com­bi­ned in post-pro­duc­tion to crea­te a polished, seam­less and dyna­mic end product.

At Stream­box­stu­di­os, we work with time­code gene­ra­tors so that the recor­dings can be com­bi­ned seamlessly.

In addi­ti­on to fas­ter pro­duc­tion and more dyna­mic shots, mul­ti-came­ra pro­duc­tions can also save money on pro­duc­tion cos­ts as they requi­re fewer takes to record a sce­ne.

Stream­box­stu­di­os pro­du­ces with Canon and Black­ma­gic came­ras. High-qua­li­ty inter­ch­an­geable len­ses or fixed zoom len­ses are used. The came­ras can all record in 4K. Our PTZ came­ras are con­trol­led remo­te­ly via con­trol­lers. The video signal is trans­mit­ted to the editing suite eit­her via HDMI, fiber optic or CAT7 cable.