NDI|HX 3: Qua­li­ty and lower latency

NDI|HX 3 offers the abili­ty to pro­vi­de low laten­cy and redu­ced band­width trans­mis­si­on while main­tai­ning the visual­ly los­sless stan­dards that NDI users demand. This allows users to deli­ver broad­cast qua­li­ty video in any envi­ron­ment wit­hout having to upgrade their technology.

“The diver­se ways in which NDI part­ners and users app­ly the stan­dard and inte­gra­te it into count­less work­flows, pro­ducts and pro­jects never cea­ses to ama­ze us. To keep up with the mar­ket demand to uti­li­ze NDI tech­no­lo­gy and enable limit­less con­tent crea­ti­on for every user, our team is com­mit­ted to con­sis­tent inno­va­ti­on to push the boun­da­ries of moving video. NDI®|HX3 is a shi­ning exam­p­le of this com­mit­ment as it strikes the per­fect balan­ce bet­ween qua­li­ty and effi­ci­en­cy wit­hout com­pro­mi­se to set a new stan­dard in visu­al sto­rytel­ling,” comm­ents Micha­el Nama­ti­nia, Pre­si­dent, NDI.

Source: www.ndi.tv/blog/ndihx3/