Road­show “Pho­to­vol­taics on com­mer­cial roofs”

A broad-based road­show orga­ni­zed by the Minis­try of Indus­try, Cli­ma­te Pro­tec­tion and Ener­gy of the Sta­te of North Rhi­ne-West­pha­lia pro­vi­ded infor­ma­ti­on on how the power of the sun can also be used pro­fi­ta­b­ly for com­pa­nies. The Stream­box­stu­di­os event team was com­mis­sio­ned with the enti­re audio­vi­su­al pro­duc­tion in the halls of the par­ti­ci­pa­ting local cham­bers of indus­try and com­mer­ce as well as the rea­liza­ti­on of smooth live streams.

The ana­log and digi­tal par­ti­ci­pan­ts recei­ved first-hand infor­ma­ti­on in short pre­sen­ta­ti­ons. Experts from NRW.Energy4Climate and the Sta­te Asso­cia­ti­on for Rene­wa­ble Ener­gies (LEE) pro­vi­ded an insight into the basic frame­work con­di­ti­ons, fol­lo­wed by examp­les of best prac­ti­ce and reports from indus­try. Ques­ti­ons from the audi­ence on site and from the digi­tal space were ans­we­red in detail in a con­clu­ding dis­cus­sion round.

Four image sources, two came­ras and two lap­tops, were dis­play­ed alter­na­te­ly in indi­vi­du­al­ly crea­ted screen lay­outs so that the view­ers could be offe­red a varie­ty of images on the digi­tal end devices. In addi­ti­on, gra­phics and bel­ly bands were dis­play­ed at the appro­pria­te time.

The ZOOM plat­form was used at the start of the road­show in fall 2021. On the one hand, to have an opti­on for par­ti­ci­pant admi­nis­tra­ti­on (key­word regis­tra­ti­on and admis­si­on), and on the other hand, to pro­vi­de an oppor­tu­ni­ty for queries via the inte­gra­ted chat module.

With the start of sea­son 2, in ear­ly sum­mer 2022, the live­stream was rea­li­zed via YouTube.

From a producer’s point of view, You­Tube offers the ide­al plat­form for broad­cas­ting streams direct­ly in HD qua­li­ty wit­hout pri­or regis­tra­ti­on — as requi­red by ZOOM. Fur­ther­mo­re, sta­tis­ti­cal infor­ma­ti­on (hits, stream qua­li­ty, etc.) is dis­play­ed very sim­ply and clearly.

A QR code regu­lar­ly dis­play­ed during the stream and a matching hash tag led to a spe­ci­al­ly crea­ted SLIDO page. In addi­ti­on to the impro­ved pos­si­bi­li­ty of mode­ra­ting the chat, the feed­back from digi­tal users could also be trans­mit­ted to a screen in the hall and dis­play­ed for the guests on site.

More for live­streams and hybrid events

More varie­ty

So simp­le, so true. If you want to reach peo­p­le in front of screens, you have to crea­te audio­vi­su­al expe­ri­en­ces. This includes shots from seve­ral per­spec­ti­ves that are com­bi­ned live and vivid­ly. Long shot, medi­um shot, clo­se-up, pai­red with appe­al­ing sounds. If you want to move peo­p­le, you have to deli­ver moving images.

More attu­n­e­ment

While guests in the stu­dio are often drawn into the sce­ne by the expe­ri­ence of the enti­re set­ting, the guests in front of the screen can only watch a count­down. A simp­le solu­ti­on is to go live from the loca­ti­on of the event befo­re the actu­al broad­cast date in order to arou­se initi­al inte­rest. In a fur­ther step, an inno­cuous ice-brea­k­er ques­ti­on, asked using a sui­ta­ble tool, ensu­res that even tho­se who are con­nec­ted see them­sel­ves as part of the per­cei­ved audi­ence right from the start.

More inter­ac­tion

TV and radio are suc­cessful examp­les of this: Enga­ging view­ers via the simp­lest pos­si­ble chan­nels crea­tes loyal­ty. So why not crea­te even more con­nec­tions than befo­re bet­ween local spea­k­ers and offer oppor­tu­ni­ties for inter­ac­tion? Make grea­ter use of sur­vey tools and con­nect digi­tal par­ti­ci­pan­ts with their own video images, thus offe­ring added value to ever­yo­ne.

More focus

At spe­cia­list events in par­ti­cu­lar, it is always noti­ceable that pre­sen­ta­ti­ons need to be pre­pared in a much more striking, visual­ly appe­al­ing and less detail­ed way. This increa­ses the atten­ti­on of the audi­ence in the room and in front of the moni­tors. Frus­tra­ti­on and dwind­ling inte­rest are ine­vi­ta­ble when spea­k­ers get lost in details and don’t get to the point. Appro­pria­te pre­sen­ta­ti­on trai­ning in the form of a dress rehear­sal inclu­ding recor­ding opti­mi­zes pre­sen­ta­ti­ons for all par­ti­ci­pan­ts, in front of and behind the monitors.

More con­cen­tra­ti­on

The clas­sic run­ning time for a TV report is one minu­te and 30 seconds, the length of a spo­ken radio report is … and the avera­ge text length of a news­pa­per artic­le is .… Rea­ding time. This is in stark con­trast to pre­sen­ta­ti­ons las­ting 20 minu­tes or more. Three more reasons to adapt posts of any kind in such a way that the mes­sa­ge and the tar­get group are not lost. Less is more” cle­ar­ly appli­es here.

More mar­ke­ting

The­re is no need to reinvent the wheel here eit­her. Like strea­ming series, spe­cia­list pre­sen­ta­ti­ons can also use the cliff­han­ger and be pre­pared in such a way that a short con­tri­bu­ti­on high­lights and out­lines the key points, and a fur­ther con­tri­bu­ti­on — or even seve­ral con­tri­bu­ti­ons — pro­vi­de more in-depth infor­ma­ti­on. In this way, key mes­sa­ges are made bold and oppor­tu­ni­ties are crea­ted to publish more exten­si­ve know­ledge in the form of “video-on-demand” via sui­ta­ble plat­forms. It is also pos­si­ble to mone­ti­ze the pro­ces­sed knowledge.

Con­clu­si­on: Live­streams and hybrid events that deli­ver a pure 1:1 repro­duc­tion are old-school. It is important to orchest­ra­te the diver­se pos­si­bi­li­ties in a meaningful and indi­vi­du­al way. This crea­tes an audio­vi­su­al sound that view­ers enjoy and find equal­ly attrac­ti­ve, whe­ther on loca­ti­on or on their screens.