Vir­tu­al events are valuable

The lear­ning cur­ve in 2020–22 was steep. One of the most important fin­dings is that vir­tu­al events are not a stop­gap solu­ti­on, but can offer real added value.

Time is rela­ti­ve: the tran­si­ti­on from purely face-to-face events to digi­tal, hybrid, vir­tu­al events does not mean trans­fer­ring ever­y­thing to the digi­tal world on a 1:1 sca­le. A new ori­en­ta­ti­on is nee­ded. What are the par­ti­ci­pan­ts’ moti­va­tions? How must the offer be pre­pared so that it is accept­ed both on site and on digi­tal devices? The value of par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on ari­ses from the joint deve­lo­p­ment of ide­as, from joint lear­ning and from the resul­ting con­nec­tions — and not from the time invested.

On the stage! A clas­sic pre­sence pre­sen­ta­ti­on puts the brand, the ser­vice, the pro­duct in the fore­ground. A chan­ge of per­spec­ti­ve places the audi­ence on the stage and inte­gra­tes them. The asso­cia­ted user expe­ri­ence makes the brand, the ser­vice and the pro­duct tan­gi­ble. Value pro­po­si­ti­on beco­mes a value expe­ri­ence. Wat­ching beco­mes doing.

Orga­ni­ze finan­ces: To date, inco­me from events has been gene­ra­ted from exhi­bi­tor fees, adver­ti­sing con­tracts, spon­sor­ship and ticket sales. It’s time to rethink the forms of finan­cing and take advan­ta­ge of the oppor­tu­ni­ties ope­ned up by strea­ming. Video-on-demand for a fee, cus­to­mi­zed spon­so­ring based on com­ple­te­ly new reach or the diver­se pos­si­bi­li­ties of sca­ling open up new ave­nues. Reve­nues rise, cos­ts per par­ti­ci­pant fall.

Read mea­su­red values: Digi­tal always means mea­su­red values. The breadth and depth of pos­si­ble infor­ma­ti­on is enorm­ous. Not every one helps or makes sen­se. Read, inter­pret and use sui­ta­ble infor­ma­ti­on to opti­mi­ze offers and adapt them to the needs of users.

The future of the event indus­try will also be deci­ded in the digi­tal space. Future-ori­en­ted event orga­ni­zers take advan­ta­ge of the oppor­tu­ni­ties and pos­si­bi­li­ties of the digi­tal for­mat. They adapt indi­vi­du­al­ly and ensu­re suc­cessful imple­men­ta­ti­on. The lear­ning cur­ve remains steep.