Video post-pro­duc­tion

On request, we will be hap­py to record your live stream and make it available to you after­wards. You can use this for your archi­ve, for a cri­ti­cal review — you can always opti­mi­ze — or for a video-on-demand (VoD) offer.

Post-pro­ces­sing of the recor­ding is par­ti­cu­lar­ly useful when using it as a VoD. This means that less important pas­sa­ges can be cut out or addi­tio­nal ele­ments, such as gra­phics or images, can be inser­ted. It is also pos­si­ble to add a sound­track, for exam­p­le with licen­se-free music.

Post-pro­duc­tion offers fur­ther possibilities:

  • Impro­ved video qua­li­ty: By adjus­ting the color, audio levels and adding spe­cial effects, the video beco­mes more visual­ly appe­al­ing and dynamic.
  • Impro­ved sto­rytel­ling: Post-pro­duc­tion helps to edit and refi­ne the sto­ry you want to tell with your video con­tent. This can include adding music or sound effects, cut­ting out unneces­sa­ry foo­ta­ge and adding cap­ti­ons or graphics.
  • Brand con­sis­ten­cy: In post-pro­duc­tion, the video can be adapt­ed to your company’s cor­po­ra­te design.
  • Adap­ta­bi­li­ty: Video con­tent is adapt­ed for dif­fe­rent plat­forms and tar­get groups. You can crea­te dif­fe­rent ver­si­ons of a video for social media, your web­site or email campaigns.

Over­all, a post-pro­duc­tion video will help you crea­te high-qua­li­ty, enga­ging video con­tent that reflects your brand and reso­na­tes with your audience.

By using the latest com­pu­ter hard­ware and soft­ware, we can edit your vide­os in a varie­ty of ways and make them available for presentation.

Our live­strea­ming tech­no­lo­gy is desi­gned in such a way that we can seam­less­ly make video inserts part of a livestream.